PAS is also known parental alienation syndrome as a very controversial issue. PAS is a single parent (transferor) occurs when your own children to disparage the other parent (the parent object).
Parents, Sandwich aversion to their own children and others, since meat. SAP will allow men and women to their children guilty of the devaluation of the other parent, gender is not specified. Most of the divorce, but will live with the mother and children in custodial parent. It is for this reason that many parents are Alienators women. About attempt to use a child for a parent not to fill a specific gap.
Parental Alienation Syndrome: what is it ???
Some people think of SAP as a tool to manipulate parents who abuse the court. These people are blind to the reality of SAP. Most parents do love a good teacher and the child responds to the interests of the security relationship with his father. A child living with his alienated parent can go reject a strong bond with daily following the end of his father. This is a sudden change in the "syndrome". Yes, sort of parents with custody of the child, and the denial of the target parent. Alienated parent claims the child and the selection of all actions, all of his / her or him. Losing a father listening to endless stories of father child / mother of his approach is aligned with the alienating parent.
Each error alienated parent is always a big crime.e.g; father is 10 minutes late to pick up your child for a visit, and the mother of the child said: "Oh, why can not your father what he really, really good you are, always late, too late, he is still a child Stockholm syndrome is then compared to the parent without custody continued to fight for your attention - kidnapped people defend their kidnappers
Impact on the parent object
Parent object is shocked by the sudden release of these for their children. Custodial parent can claim the child as you do not want to talk to them call attempt is rejected. Alienated parent is experiencing a terrible anger, shock, pain and loss. The depression is controlled and in some cases, may be a silicide. Once the relationship is often frequent, possibly for a short period of time, years broken. If he continues to try to contact his son alienated parents, prospective parents will face persecution. His love and desire to speak to his son will be treated as sexual harassment and assault. He will do everything to find a relationship with her son.
Kids will be able to recover?
Yes, it takes a long time with the target parent parental alienation, even from far. Essential process for the reintegration and training of children before treatment can begin. You have to work through the distrust of the non-custodial parent of the child.
You are the father, you can create a false belief about the bad boys and a lot of work. It is debatable that have abused the child's parent alienation syndrome and treated like other cases of child abuse.