
Why should you send your little one, your child to a formal preschool? What is the importance of education in early childhood? What are the advantages? What your child will learn to go to daycare? Let's look at the answers to these questions together.

During play, children learn. In kindergarten they can play and learn during the activities organized to support learning. They learn social interaction, physical skills, cognitive skills, creativity and self-esteem.

One of the most obvious benefits is socialization, your child will receive. This is something that every two, three and four year old needs. You can try to organize opportunities for social interaction at home or in other settings. But the group activity your child will receive at a kindergarten on a weekly basis may be reproduced by you in any other way.

During this social interaction that your child will learn valuable lessons. They learn to share, such as taking turns, sharing the attention of your teacher, how instructions from other adults, how to wait in line and how to raise their hands met. These are all important social classes that many adults can learn. Your child will learn the rules of interaction with others. They will learn what is good and what is not. In today's society, it would be nice if all adults had learned these rules. Look around you; you can guess where adults went to kindergarten and have not based their social interactions with others?

The preschool years are a time when organizations are developing at a rapid pace. Kids can do something new every day, it seems. In preschool, they can compete with other children quickly learn that their bodies can go. Combine that with the jump, jump, jump, dance, lift and drag. Children "Wow, I never knew I could do it," they said. Check their friends to see what they do well. His physical abilities will be challenged every day at preschool.

Many parents just look cognitive skills that children learn by watching kindergartens. While these skills are important, they will come along when the child is ready. Also come as they participate in learning activities planned their children in preschool. All good preschool teach letters, numbers, shapes and colors. Some children start reading and math.

The best way to learn these skills is by playing, not by making spreadsheets. Matching and sorting, sizing and compares all gambling games during the preschool teach many cognitive skills. Find things that begin with a certain letter counting games are also great way to learn playing.

A preschool creativity is a fact. When my children were in kindergarten, they came home with a new daily art project. An infinite range of materials and ideas were used to obtain their little minds thinking. And then there were many opportunities to be creative, that could not be sent home. puppet, pretending to finish this story, what do you think ... There's something every day of creation, every minute of every day, while children play in the kindergarten.

And the best learning left for last. Children learn self-esteem in kindergarten. My preschoolers learned to shout "I can do it!" Every time we were able to achieve something new or something hard. You can not put a price on that trust. Fixing challenged beyond what parents can put in front of them. They have teachers who have been trained and are around their peers.

Biomass Boilers

For the purposes of primary heating fuel biomass is wood in the form of logs, pellets or wood chips - although there are existing boilers that burn a variety of cereals. The entire range of biomass fuels also includes animals, food and industrial waste and high energy crops such as miscanthus, willow, rape and maize

1) Here are some tips on what to check before installing a biomass boiler:

* Wood supplier - it's much easier to run a biomass boiler, if you are a sawmill or carpenter's shop on the site may provide a reliable source for sawdust, wood chips or wood pallets.

* Space account - as opposed to gas boilers and modern oil, a biomass boiler is larger and requires a large area near to store wood. It is desirable to plan for this period in advance.

* Area-specific considerations - if your house is placed in a smoke free environment, you need to always be a unit, "exempt" under the "Clean Air Act" is to focus. In all cases, it is recommended to check with your local authority.

* - Consideration fireplace a biomass boiler requires a fireplace, especially a flue, which is designed for firewood. However, in most cases such a coating can be retro-fitted to transport smoke.

* Space account - as opposed to gas boilers and modern oil, a biomass boiler is larger and requires a larger area near to store wood. It is advisable to plan for this period in development.

* Further information - it is advisable to display with the planning department of the local authority for the installation of a flue in the object. This is in cases where the property is a listed building or in a conservation area of ​​Great importance.

2) And some tips of maintenance:

Boilers and biomass stoves must be kept clean and swept regularly to remove the ash. Ash quantities are usually very low (less than one percent of the volume of fuel), but still have to empty the ash bins of a wood stove or boiler. This is likely to be weekly and never more than once per day. A wood fire requires the removal of ashes before each use.

Some devices, such as boilers, have self-cleaning systems that collect the ashes of the combustion grate tubes and the heat exchanger. If an automatic cleaning mechanism in place of ash of the boiler to be stopped periodically so that this can be done by hand is required. If the ash is not cleaned regularly, it will build and negatively affect the combustion conditions, which can lead to failure of the boiler and nearby. Some boilers have an ash compression mechanism that reduces the number of times that the ash pan is to be emptied.

With the elimination of automatic ash and cleaning the heat exchanger, the only other maintenance condition will be the removal of ash and occasional review of annual maintenance. If you have a pipe and chimney fireplace wood stove or boiler should be swept regularly to remove any soot and avoid blockage. that this "should be done at least twice a year, preferably before the heating season to ensure that the combustion is not blocked by breeding birds, for example, and also at the end of the heating season to prevent stand soot in the chimney during the rest period. "

Burn wet wood increases the amount of soot in the chimney and with it the possibility of a fire. Records should always be seasoned before (air drying) for at least one year of being burned.
Unlike most renewable energy technologies where there is an initial investment, the element that supplies power (i.e., wind or sun) is free, it is not current fuel costs heated biomass.

Aspergers symptoms

Asperger's Syndrome is a neurological disorder in which a person with normal language development and IQ also presents some symptoms of autism, such as social skills and lack of communication.

People with Asperger's syndrome have a very difficult time reading the body language, so it does not show well on most of us non-verbal signals. They just do not depend, for example, when someone close proximity to someone or are not interested, here and listen to the most.

Living with Asperger's Syndrome have difficulty making friends, especially with peers. They find it difficult to pay attention to what others say, unless the pay of direct interest to them, and are easily bored. They also tend not to add to the conversation, if only, even if they actually do for simple social mechanisms, as someone a question about the answer, interest in the other person and what they have to say.

This does not mean that people with Asperger's syndrome does not seem ... some talk a little bit ... just that they talk about the things that interest them only. In connection with its inability to nonverbal cues that can go on a bit further and further, often recognize unusual fascination as door handles or the history of cricket in India fascinates - another symptom of Asperger's - while the person He speaks bored to tears.

Unlike people with autism People with Asperger syndrome are not removed by others. You actually have feelings of others and want to make friends and develop relationships. His social awkwardness and insensitivity tends to discourage people.

Although there is no clear answer to the causes of Asperger's syndrome is commonly rendered as genetic, through the male side of the family likely. The structural and functional differences in specific brain regions have problems during fetal development.

There is no cure for Asperger syndrome. And there is no effective medical treatment, although the treatment of small problems such as depression often shown. However, like autism, social skills training and behavior modification training to be effective, such as training in problem solving, decision making and other skills step by step help adults with Asperger people left in good health.